protect your rights

can minimise problems

YOUR LOCAL LEGAL EXPERTSWe will help and guide you
through the process

Mental Incapacity and the Court of Protection Services


If you lose mental capacity, dealing with your affairs might have to involve the Court but whatever your circumstances, planning ahead can minimise problems.

At Dunn & Baker Solicitors, we understand the issues that can arise through a loss of mental capacity. We work hard to support you, your family and carers to ensure that your rights are protected.


If you or a loved one begin to become confused, or is diagnosed with dementia, it may not be too late to put arrangements in place but it is worth seeking advice early. A legal expert can help you understand your rights and provide the necessary support. We can help with Powers of Attorney for your care, as well as managing your money. If an application to the Court of Protection is needed, we can guide you through the process and assist with drafting the appropriate Court documents.


Our knowledgeable and approachable legal experts are on hand to discuss any aspect of mental incapacity. If you can’t get to our offices, we can usually arrange to visit you – either in hospital, a care home or elsewhere.

Contact us today for your FREE initial consultation.

Associated Services

Advance Decisions for Medical Treatment

Making an advance decision about medical treatment avoids any misunderstanding on what your wishes are when you can no longer communicate them – Dunn & Baker Solicitors can help you to plan ahead.

There may be a time when you can no longer share or communicate what you think. As difficult as that is to consider, making an advance decision can determine what happens to you in the future – at a time when you lack the capacity to either consent to or refuse medical treatment. What happens if you are in a coma? What about life-sustaining treatment? Or blood transfusions?

Dunn & Baker Solicitors help you understand the legal position and how best to plan ahead. We discuss your individual circumstances, taking consideration your Lasting Power of Attorney arrangements and other relevant factors.

For expert advice, contact us today and arrange your FREE initial consultation.

Care After Loss of Capacity

If you lose the ability to make decisions due to old age, it can be difficult for relatives and loved ones. Dunn & Baker Solicitors can help you plan ahead for a time when you can no longer share what you think.

No one likes to think of a time when they are unable to care for themselves but it happens. Alzheimer’s, dementia, and strokes are conditions we hear of regularly. Planning ahead means you can communicate your wishes should you lose the ability to make decisions for yourself and says how you would like to be cared for – it may include your wishes on medical treatment too. It also means your loved ones avoid the upset and expense of applying to the courts and avoids you being cared for by someone that you would not have chosen yourself.

Dunn & Baker Solicitors help you understand the legal position. Lasting powers of attorney and living wills are explained in plain and simple English. If things change, we can talk through any amendments. Our aim is to provide you with dignity at a time when you deserve it the most.

Contact is today and arrange a FREE initial consultation – let’s start planning your future.

Power of Attorney

In an uncertain world it’s reassuring to know that our wishes will be respected even if we’re not in a position to make our own decisions. That’s why many people choose to create a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) to provide protection should an accident or ill health prevent them from making independent decisions in the future.

An LPA is a legal document that allows another person to make decisions about your wellbeing and affairs on your behalf. Appointing an attorney before you actually need one gives you the peace of mind that your affairs will be managed how you want them to be. It’s not possible to create an LPA once you’re unable to make your own decisions. If you think you would like an LPA, it is something that you should consider putting in place as soon as possible.

There are different types of LPAs, depending on the areas of your life you would like an attorney to have control of. These are known as a Property & Financial Affairs LPA and a Health & Welfare LPA. To be valid, an LPA must be registered with the Office of the Public Guardian.

At Dunn & Baker Solicitors, we can help with all aspects of creating an LPA – from choosing an attorney and deciding what type of LPA is right for you, to correctly registering the documentation.

If you’d like to find out more, give one of our legal experts a call today for a FREE initial consultation.

Mental Incapacity and the Court of Protection Team Members

Mental Incapacity and the Court of Protection


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    Tel: 01392 285 000
    Fax: 01392 285 001
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    Tel: 01884 338 18
    Fax: 01884 323 56
    DX - 49600 CULLOMPTON

    Dunn & Baker Solicitors and QualitySolicitors Dunn & Baker are trading names of Dunn & Baker LLP which is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales. Registration number: OC386610. Registered Office: 21 Southernhay East, Exeter, Devon EX1 1QQ. A list of members is available at the registered office. Any reference to a partner of Dunn & Baker LLP include members of Dunn & Baker LLP and authorised persons of equivalent standing. Dunn & Baker LLP is part of QualitySolicitors, the largest network of law firms in the UK, with local law firms spanning the whole of England and Wales and customer service at the heart of everything we do.