NewsAccidents at Work

September 1, 2024

Did you know the Health and Safety Executive report shows that in the UK, during the 2022/2023 period, more than 60,645 injuries were reported to employers through Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR)

Accidents at work are very common and can happen to anyone. All employers in the UK have a duty to protect their employees and provide a safe and secure workplace.

Whether you work in a restaurant, shop, factory, office or on a farm; potential dangers always exist that might cause an accident and serious injury, or worse, a fatality.

This means providing:

  • The right equipment and materials
  • The right training and supervision
  • A safe work system

 What are the most common causes of injuries at the workplace?

  • Falling from height
  • Handling, lifting or carrying heavy objects
  • Slips, trips and falls
  • Machinery

Employers are required to record any accidents that have occurred at the work place.

 What to do after the incident?

  • Ensure you report it to your employer as soon as possible
  • Keep a record of the date and time of the accident
  • Take photographs/videos of your injuries
  • Go to the doctors or hospital depending on your injury
  • Write a brief note of what had happened and who witnessed it
  • Keep a record of all expenses and losses incurred due to the accident as this will allow you to add to any claim you may bring

What if I am partly at fault, can I still make a claim?

Subject to the circumstances, you can still make a claim if it was partly your fault.

How long after an accident at work can I make a claim?

All claims must be made within 3 years of the date of the accident.

If you have suffered an injury at work contact us for a free initial consultation with one of our legal experts.

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Cullompton 01884 33818

Exeter Solicitors

21/22 Southernhay East, Exeter, Devon EX1 1QQ
Tel: 01392 285 000
Fax: 01392 285 001
DX - 8311 EXETER

Cullompton Solicitors

38 High Street, Cullompton, Devon EX15 1AE
Tel: 01884 338 18
Fax: 01884 323 56

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